Courtot Lab Genome Informatics

Congratulations Robin!

Congratulations to Robin Haw on receiving the OICR Extra Mile award in recognition of his exceptional support to the team!

Extra Mile award
Extra Mile award

Robin is highly committed to our success, and has been critical in securing funding, keeping in with deadlines, reporting on projects and overall ensuring my resources align with our deliverables.

Additionally, Robin leads many activities at OICR such as the Informatics retreat, TorBug or the Translational Research Conference.

Finally, Robin empower other members of the team. He mentors staff and joined the OICR mentorship program, working with other institute leaders to expand our Genome Informatics model across the institute. He is a member of the EDI committee, and unrelentingly advocates for equity and diversity in the teams and the institute.

Robin: thank you for everything you do in the team, at OICR and beyond. You are an exceptional colleague and it is a great pleasure to see you being recognized with the Extra Mile award.

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